At Academia Cotopaxi (AC), we prioritize people. They breathe life and purpose into our organization: teaching, interacting, leading projects, developing, learning, growing, and supporting every facet of our community. Every member of our staff embraces our Mission, striving for ever higher levels of professionalism, ethics, and respect in all endeavors.
Estamos convencidos de que podemos impactar positivamente en la sociedad (¡y en el mundo!) a través de la educación; no solo la educación de nuestros estudiantes, sino también la de nuestro personal y nuestra comunidad en general. Estamos comprometidos con el aprendizaje e invitamos a personas a trabajar en Academia Cotopaxi que tengan mentalidades de crecimiento: abiertas a cosas nuevas, que desafíen suposiciones, exploren nuevos caminos y aporten ideas innovadoras a discusiones y proyectos.
Quality education is paramount to us, and we consider both formal training and practical experience when selecting candidates to join our school. Within these pages, you will discover why choosing AC and experiencing Ecuador could be the right decision for you.
En AC, nos preocupamos por las personas e invitamos a quienes desean ser parte de una comunidad evolutiva y un colegio en transformación a unirse a nosotros.

Gina Del Hierro
Directora de Recursos Humanos

Why Choose Academia Cotopaxi?

We have a history of success, guided by our school mission and core values. We embrace change as a key feature of life. We know what we value and believe in, and we know where we want to go in the future as we evolve to meet the demands of a fast-paced, ever-changing world. We are a school in motion, continually evolving and improving to ensure that we provide the best for our community.

We are led by a Board of Trustees who love the school and believe in our future. Our Board of Trustees oversee the fiduciary, strategic and generative elements of our school’s future. Three external accreditation organizations assure excellence in learning– the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), the International Baccalaureate (IB)  as well as the Ecuadorian Ministry of Education. We are officially sponsored by the US State Department of Education and deliver a US High School Diploma, the IB Diploma, as well as the Ecuadorian diploma.

Three-Two-One – This is our community. Our Elementary School includes both our IMAGINE bilingual preschool program, and our full English-language immersion program from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade Five. Full English immersion continued in Middle School from Grades Six through Grade Eight and High School from Grade Nine through Twelve. These smaller learning communities, within the broader school setting, provide the perfect size for developmentally appropriate learning for our different age groups. Every student feels that this is their school and that there are adults here who know them and who care about their well-being.

We promote learning for all members of our community – students, parents, faculty and staff alike. We are proud of being learners, and we enjoy collaborating with one another to refine good ideas and make them better together. Our Principals are instructional leaders who promote reflection for the improvement of teaching and learning. At our school, there is always something new going on and we never stop learning! We like it that way!

English is the medium of instruction at Academia Cotopaxi. Learning to speak, listen, read and write well in English is of highest priority for us. We are proud of our many bilingual/multilingual students and we want to ensure that they communicate confidently in English while celebrating and honoring their linguistic heritage.

We welcome students from diverse cultural, ethnic and language backgrounds and accept students from across the spectrum of learning differences. We believe that all people have intrinsic value and we promote awareness, understanding and respect for diversity. We are also an international community, with 35 nationalities from around the world. Being globally-minded is a quality we cultivate throughout our school.

We are wireless and connected. Using up to date digital tools and social media platforms enhances learning for everyone. Technology is part of our daily lives and helps us to master new skills such as creativity, innovation, media literacy, critical thinking, and adaptability.

More than 80% of our teachers have Master Degrees and more than 60% have graduated from an English Language University outside of Ecuador. We have a balance of both local and international teachers and low teacher-student ratios to support personalization.

Parents are the most important people in a child’s life, their first teachers. Partnership with parents is crucial for a child’s future success. At our school, parents can expect to be included, welcomed and vital to our school’s and their children’s accomplishments

We believe that schools become stronger and more resilient when everyone has a voice and is valued. We seek and welcome feedback at all levels as part of our campaign for continuous pursuit of excellence.

Nuestra Filosofía

Academia Cotopaxi is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age or national origin in relation to hiring, salary, benefits, retention or promotion at the school.


El colegio contratará únicamente al mejor personal profesional disponible, altamente calificado y experimentado. Se da preferencia a candidatos con experiencia en el extranjero, experiencia específica en programas del Bachillerato Internacional y/o capacidad para entrenar o supervisar otras actividades extracurriculares que formen parte del programa escolar. Otros requisitos se basan en la investigación sobre enseñanza efectiva y evaluación, habilidades colaborativas y otras características que indican un historial de trabajo efectivo con jóvenes similares a los que servimos.

Ofertas de Empleo Actuales


Professional Qualifications
  • International mindset

  • At least 5 years teaching experience in PE

  • Experience with Special Needs Education desirable

  • Master’s degree preferred

  • Native or Proficient use of English 

  • Experience with PYP and IB/DP is preferred

Aplique Aquí


Si desea presentar una solicitud o recomendar candidatos para posibles futuras oportunidades, por favor utilice el siguiente LINK para enviar su solicitud.

Visítenos periódicamente para ver las vacantes publicadas aquí.


Profesor de IB Inglés

Escuela Secundaria


● Mentalidad internacional ● Al menos 3 años de experiencia docente en el campo ● Se prefiere título de maestría ● Uso nativo o competente del inglés ● Experiencia con necesidades especiales es preferida ● Experiencia con PYP e IB/DP es preferida

Profesor de ELL (Inglés como Lengua Extranjera)

Escuela Secundaria


● Mentalidad internacional ● Al menos 3 años de experiencia docente en ELL, ESL, ESOL ● Se prefiere título de maestría ● Uso nativo o competente del inglés ● Se prefiere competencia en español ● Experiencia con necesidades especiales es preferida ● Experiencia con PYP e IB/DP es preferida

Especialista en Apoyo al Aprendizaje

Especialista en Apoyo al Aprendizaje


● Mentalidad internacional ● Al menos 3 años de experiencia docente en Educación Especial ● Se prefiere título de maestría ● Uso nativo o competente del inglés ● Experiencia con PYP e IB/DP es preferida

Consejero Socioemocional

Escuela Secundaria


● Mentalidad internacional ● Al menos 3 años de experiencia docente en Educación Especial ● Se prefiere título de maestría ● Uso nativo o competente del inglés ● Experiencia con PYP e IB/DP es preferida

Consejero Socioemocional

Escuela Media y Secundaria


● Mentalidad internacional ● Al menos 3 años de experiencia docente en Educación Especial ● Se prefiere título de maestría ● Uso nativo o competente del inglés ● Experiencia con PYP e IB/DP es preferida

Si desea postularse o referir candidatos para estas posiciones, por favor, comparta este

Recuerde que ofrecemos un bono por referencia si el candidato que usted refiere es contratado.

Jhon Doe

Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.

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