Once a Cougar, always a Cougar!

Embark on a journey that begins in Quito and unfolds globally, enhanced by our extensive network with similar schools and our vibrant international community.

Nuestros Estudiantes

Our students come from over 35 countries, creating a rich tapestry of talents, cultures, and language abilities. Both inside and outside the classroom, AC students benefit from diverse learning opportunities. We nurture curiosity, empathy, and ethical values to prepare our students for a global future.

Nuestros Padres

Our school-parent partnership is based on trust and plays a vital role in supporting each of our students’ educational journeys. This partnership is vital in supporting our students’ learning. Together, we ensure a safe and high-quality learning experience. Thank you for being part of our team! It takes a community to educate a child – We welcome you to our learning community!

Nuestros Maestros y Personal

Nuestros maestros y personal altamente calificados y experimentados están dedicados a fomentar el potencial de cada estudiante. Con una vasta experiencia internacional, guían a los estudiantes para que tomen control de su propio camino de aprendizaje.

Juan, Class of 2010

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Nuestros Exalumnos

Descubra las historias y logros destacados de nuestros exalumnos, que reflejan lo aprendido en Academia Cotopaxi y lo que más valoran de su tiempo como estudiantes. Sus historias y contribuciones inspiran a nuestros estudiantes actuales a desarrollar sus talentos, ampliar sus redes y establecer conexiones globales. ¡Mantenernos en contacto con nuestros exalumnos es fundamental para nosotros! Nuestra comunidad global de exalumnos es una prioridad, y estamos comprometidos en mantener este lazo duradero. Invitamos a nuestros exalumnos a participar en eventos escolares y conectar con otros exalumnos.

Nuestros Exalumnos

Get to know the outstanding stories and achievements of our alumni. Their reflections of what they learned at Academia Cotopaxi and what they remember most about being a student are an inspiration for our current students to explore their talents, build their networks and foster global connections. Most importantly, we want to keep in touch with our Alumni! Our Alumni community is truly global and we aim to stay in touch with them wherever they may be in the world. We are committed to fostering this lasting connection and invite our Alumni to participate in our school events and connect them with other alumni.

Nuestro enfoque académico

At Academia Cotopaxi children and youth are the center of every aspect of our approach to learning from their first steps at IMAGINE with its Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood learning to graduation day in High School with our future driven IB program.

¡Tres marcas, una misión!

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